The food and beverage industry is on the front lines of the climate crisis due to the impact it has on the environment and its potential as a tool for change.
According to Edelman's 2023 Climate Trust Report, 93% of people globally believe that climate change poses a serious and imminent threat to our planet.1 The food and beverage industry is on the front lines of this crisis – both in terms of the impact it has on the environment and the opportunity it holds for change.
New data shows that climate change continues to be the biggest concern for most consumers worldwide: bigger than inflation, bigger than misinformation, bigger than global unrest. There has never been a more important time to take action.
Now more than ever, food culture is inseparable from the most pressing topics of today. Food has the power to bridge gaps, bring happiness, sustain, nourish, and influence all on a single plate.
Edelman’s expansive team of food and beverage experts believe there is no greater force than food in shaping our identity, our experiences, and our lives. That’s why they created Foodx, a series of reports exploring the meaningful intersections of food and culture to share ideas for how food and beverage brands can usher in progress. As the world adjusted to the impact of inflation, the first report: Food x Tightening Wallets uncovered how changing budgets can unlock possibilities across the industry and inspire marketers and food companies to think differently.2
With the realities of climate change impacting people around the globe, Edelman has unveiled its second report, Food x Warming World, focused on the timely and growing intersection between food and climate.3
As marketers, there is a huge opportunity to help inspire consumers as they come to grips with the new realities of climate change. Though impossible to ignore, many consumers struggle with how to navigate and make more sustainable choices. 67% say there is a significant gap between how climate-friendly their lifestyle is versus how they would like it to be. The good news is that consumers are realizing the potential that lies in their pantries, refrigerators and grocery carts to drive change.
“There’s no world in which people just abandon their passion for what they eat and drink – even as things change dramatically. We’re seeing food lovers respond to the climate crisis in fascinating ways, both out of necessity and out of enthusiasm. They find so much joy in food culture that they’re invested in keeping it going – and interesting,” said Katie Lowman, EVP, Group Strategy Lead, Edelman Food and Beverage sector.
Food x Warming World unpacks how many are changing their behavior in response to this critical time. From growers to producers to consumers to brands and beyond, people are meeting this moment with creativity, innovation, joy, and curiosity. The report explores nine key themes that are prevalent worldwide:

Examples include:
- Planet Math In a quest to improve individual impact on the planet, people are leveraging mental math to rationalize and cancel out less planet-friendly purchases. Showing the environmental impact of a product helps consumers balance their impact.
- Eco-Exploring As climate change negatively impacts crop yields across the globe, many are embracing the rapidly changing landscape as an opportunity to explore new foods and expand potential. Many are opening up to ingredients and methods they would have never imagined – often pushing the boundaries of what's considered edible. While this exploration is increasingly out of necessity, it’s also driving truly delicious discovery.
- Weather Hacking As climate change intensifies, people are figuring out how to adapt to fluctuating temperatures, embracing weather realities as a key ingredient in their cooking. From re-thinking hydration options to leveraging extreme temperatures for food prep and storage, people are looking for creative ways to adjust to the weather.
- Trash Treasuring People are being more thoughtful about the stuff they would typically toss. From nut pulp to veggie scraps, eggshells to chicken bones, people are finding valuable uses for what would normally be thrown away and adding strain to the planet. This more sustainable approach lightens the load while harnessing creativity.
This is only the beginning when it comes to how the world starts to make sense of living in the new climate reality. Food and drink are necessary to sustain life, but also wield so much power as potential tools for change.
“Every meal matters. Food choices are key to fighting climate change. We can seize control of our future and find hope in the transformative impact our collective decisions can make,” says Robert Casamento, Edelman Global Climate Chair.

As the world’s largest communications firm, Edelman has hundreds of dedicated experts across 65 offices worldwide that live and breathe all things food and operate under a key principle – the biggest risk for a food and beverage company is to overlook its role in society.
Download the full report and learn more about Foodx. Find out more about Edelman capabilities and collaboration.
1. Edelman. 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer.
2. Edelman. Food x Tightening Wallets.
3. Edelman. Food x Warming World.